McDonalds Seeds

Onion Seed


Australian Brown is a late maturing intermediate day brown onion selection. Bulbs are firm and globe-shaped and have a small root plate and thin neck.


Hamlotte is a very early to early maturing intermediate day brown Pukekohe-selection that was bred in the Southern hemisphere. Bulbs are firm and uniformly globe-shaped with excellent keeping quality.


Capricorn is a very early to early maturing intermediate day F1 hybrid, brown onion. The bulbs are uniform, very firm with a globe shape and attractive brown outer scales.


Tassen is a very early to early maturing intermediate day red onion that was bred in the Southern hemisphere. The bulbs are uniform, very firm with a globe shape and with attractive dark purple-red outer scales


Merlot is a very early to early maturing F1 hybrid intermediate day red onion. Merlot was bred in the Southern hemisphere and is well adapted to local conditions


Akamaru is an early to medium maturing F1 hybrid short day brown onion. The flattened globe shaped, golden brown bulbs are a uniform medium to large in size.


Shinju is a very early to early maturing F1 hybrid short day brown onion. The globe shaped, golden brown bulbs are a uniform medium to small in size.


Ayoba F1 Hybrid is an early to medium maturing variety with a late short day requirement. The variety have very strong growth habit and produces a high percentage of very uniform globe bulbs of a medium to small size and has a golden brown scales.


Texas Grano 502 PRR is a medium to late maturing short day brown onion with an intermediate Pink root (Pt) resistance. The bulbs are uniform and have a granex shape. The scales are yellow, delicate and smooth.


Red Creole is a medium maturing, open-pollinated short day red onion. Red Creole is well adapted and very widely planted.

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